New Zealand Public Records
Find private and public records sources for New Zealand
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Records NZ is a trusted online index of New Zealand records. The index includes information from both public and private sources and is categorised by area. The guide gives direct access to the original provider of the data-sets so that you can skip the middle man. Whilst the majority are free, we have also included fee based records where applicable.
Records NZ is available to the general public and serves many useful purposes. Those in fields including genealogy, investigations, employment screening, journalism and other research areas will find it of particular use. Check with all relevant laws and standards before considering using selected records for employment background checks.
The index summarises the collection spanning into the billions of public records.
Off the Record..
There’s a lot of interesting and useful searches to discover in the index, so be sure to take your time and explore all that’s on offer. And when you’re done, be sure to bookmark us and visit again as we are always expanding.
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International: Public Records Australia