Death Records indexes both historical and non historical death records including printouts, certificates, cemetery and obituary searches.

New Zealand Death Records

The year and register on which the death data was collected plays a role in what information will be available to you today. Prior to 1875, parents information was not recorded nor were the burial details. Maori Registers from 1913 to 1961 include additional details such as residence, tribe, children's details, duration of last illness and religion of minister. War Deaths include military or other rank. Post 1998 records provide a wide array of information including years living in the country and ethnic group.

Historical death records play an important part in tracing ones family history. By using the information on each certificate you can trace the line back using parents details.

Burial & Cemetery Records

There are various sources for searching cemetery records throughout New Zealand. Those provided by regional and local councils will generally cover only cemeteries within their area. Private registers have made a volunteer led effort to photograph and document memorials throughout New Zealand and across the world. If you wish to view a photo of the site these are your best option.

Death Certificates and Printouts

You can order both death certificates and printouts online through Births, Deaths, Marriages and Citizenship. There is a fee involved for both. A death certificate is an official record and may be used as such. A printout is generally for historical records and provided information contained on the death certificate. This is not an official document and is commonly used for family history purposes.

Research Volunteers

Records NZ is an open index of private and public records collections in New Zealand. If you know of any collections that should be listed, please consider becoming a volunteer author, or contact us with the details.